North Bedford Catholic Churches

Community and content driven website
North Bedford Catholics are a group of churches based around the Bedford area with a large amount of groups and activities taking part in them. The site is a thriving point of contact and information for all of it’s visitors and needed to be easy to update and well organised.
A key part of the project was to consider the wide demographic that makes up the site’s visitors and allow for a range of experiences with online media.

Bespoke Design
We designed the website to be intuitive to use and provide a natural flow of content that both serves the visitors and the needs of the business.
Intuitive UI
It was important to design a user experience that felt as natural as possible across all devices and enabled visitors to find the content they were looking for and make the call to action.
Dynamic Content
A carefully designed system was put in place to use images and text dynamically across the site, saving time by intelligently reusing assets.

Dynamic Content Everywhere
Crucial to the project’s success was the organisation of the content within a the many groups that make up the church. It was essential to plan and map out how each group could be logically placed, considering demographics such as subject, age range, gender and the common terms used within the Catholic church.
The result is a site that follows the expectations of visitors with regards to normal website hierarchy and a series of hub pages that organised content into more esoteric categories.